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Creating Your First Block

If you have not already noticed, the Minecraft world consists of blocks - this page will guide you through the registration, texturing and modeling of a basic block.

Preparing your Blocks class.

Similarly to items, you can create a method that automatically registers a block and it's block item.

You should put this method in a class called ModBlocks (or whatever you want to name it)

Mojang does this with their own blocks, see the Blocks class to see how they do it.

public class ModBlocks {
    public static <T extends Block> T register(T block, String name, boolean shouldRegisterItem) {
        Identifier id = new Identifier("mod_id", name);

        if(shouldRegisterItem) {
            BlockItem blockItem = new BlockItem(block, new Item.Settings());
            Registry.register(Registries.ITEM, id, blockItem);

        return Registry.register(Registries.BLOCK, id, block);

The registering of a block item has been togglable, as sometimes you don't want players to be able to get the item in their inventory - for example: minecraft:air does not have a block item.

You should also create an empty method that can be used to statically initialize the blocks class - which causes all final fields to be evaluated, this will be called from your ModInitializer class:

public class ModBlocks {
    // ...

    public static void initialize() {}
public class MyMod implements ModInitializer {
    public void onInitialize() {
        // Statically initialize the blocks class.

Creating and registering a block.

Similarly to items, blocks take in a Blocks.Settings class in their constructor which tells the game certain properties about the block - from it's sound effects to mining level.

I will not touch on all of the options here - you can view the class yourself to see all the different options, the methods should be self explanatory.

This example will be for a condensed dirt block.

public static final Block CONDENSED_DIRT = register(
            new Block(
            ), "condensed_dirt", true);

To automatically create the block item, we can pass true to the shouldRegisterItem parameter.

Item Group

Since the BlockItem is automatically created and registered, to add it to an item group, you must use the Block.asItem() method to get the BlockItem instance:

ItemGroupEvents.modifyEntriesEvent(ITEM_GROUP).register((itemGroup) -> {  

When you go in-game, you should see that your block exists in the creative menu, and is placeable.

However, some things are missing that will need to be created:

  • Translation (Block name)
  • Model
  • Texture

Naming the block.

To add a translation, you must create a translation key in your translation file - assets/<mod id here>/lang/en_us.json

    "block.mod_id.condensed_dirt": "Condensed Dirt"

You can either restart the game or build your mod and press F3 + T to apply changes - and you should see that the block has a name in the creative inventory and other places such as the statistics screen.

Modeling and texturing the block.

All block textures can be found in the assets/<mod id here>/textures/block folder - an example texture for the "Condensed Dirt" block is free to use.

To make the texture show up in-game, you must create a block and item model which can be found in the respective locations for the "Condensed Dirt" block:

  • assets/mod_id/models/block/condensed_dirt.json
  • assets/mod_id/models/item/condensed_dirt.json

The item model is pretty simple, it can just use the block model as a parent - since most block models have support for being rendered in a GUI:

    "parent": "mod_id:block/condensed_dirt"

The block model however, in our case, must parent the block/cube_all model:

    "parent": "block/cube_all",
    "textures": {
        // A reference to the actual texture.
        "all": "mod_id:block/condensed_dirt"

When you load into the game though, you may see that the texture still isn't present - this is because you will need to add a blockstate definition.

Creating the blockstate definition.

The blockstate definition is used to tell the game what model should be rendered depending on the current state of the block.

Since the example block does not have a complex blockstate, only one entry is required in the definition which can be found in the assets/mod_id/blockstates folder - the name of the file should correspond to the name of the block you used to register your block in your ModBlocks class: condensed_dirt.json

    "variants": {
    "": { "model": "mod_id:block/condensed_dirt" }

Blockstates are really complex, which is why they are addressed in an upcoming page: Block States

Restarting the game, or reloading via F3 + T to apply changes - you should be able to see the block texture in the inventory and physically in the world:

Adding block drops.

When breaking the block in survival, you may see that the block does not drop - you might want this functionality, however to make your block drop as an item on break you must implement it's loot table - the loot table file should be placed in the data/mod_id/loot_tables./_assets/condensed_dirt.json

  "type": "minecraft:block",
  "pools": [
      "rolls": 1,
      "entries": [
          "type": "minecraft:item",
          "name": "tutorial:example_block"
      "conditions": [
          "condition": "minecraft:survives_explosion"

This will be explained more in-depth in a future page.

Your block will be really slow to break, regardless of what tool is used - to make it quicker, you must place your block in the suitable block tag for the harvesting tool, and what level of tool should be used:

Harvesting Tool

All the tool tags should be placed in the data/minecraft/tags./_assets/mineable/ folder - where the name of the file depends on the type of tool used, one of the following:

  • hoe.json
  • axe.json
  • pickaxe.json
  • shovel.json

The contents of the file are quite simple - it is a list of items that should be added to the tag.

This example adds the "Condensed Dirt" block to the shovel tag.

  "replace": false,
  "values": [

Mining Level

Similarly, the mining level tag can be found in the same folder, and respects the following format:

  • needs_stone_tool.json - A minimum level of stone tools
  • needs_iron_tool.json - A minimum level of iron tools
  • needs_diamond_tool.json - A minimum level of diamond tools.

The file has the same format as the harvesting tool file - a list of items to be added to the tag.

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